• U.S. Dairy Trade Momentum Strong Heading into 2017

    By Alan Levitt January 23, 2017

    DairyExport.jpgU.S. dairy exporters boosted volume across a number of key products and markets in November 2016, a potential indication that 2017 could be another strong year for U.S. dairy demand across the globe. Here is a snapshot of the past reporting period: 168,706 tons of milk powders, cheese, butterfat, whey and lactose were exported in November, the most in 18 months, and topping year-ago levels for the sixth straight month. Overall, the U.S. dairy export value was $429 million in November, up 14% from a year earlier. 

    Strong year-end resurgence in U.S. dairy ingredient exports

    During a five-month period, ending November 2016, worldwide U.S. exports of nonfat dry milk/skim milk powder (NDM/SMP) climbed 25%, whey was up 36%, whey protein concentrate (WPC) rose 28% and whey protein isolate (WPI) increased 39%.

    Additional notable gains over the latest five-month period vs. the prior year included:

    • Exports of NDM/SMP to Southeast Asia were up 68% (+40,000 tons), led by strong shipments to the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia.
    • Exports of dry whey to China nearly tripled (+25,000 tons) and shipments of WPC to China increased 32% (+15,000 tons).
    • Exports of NDM/SMP to Mexico increased 11% (+12,000 tons).
    • Exports of WPC to Southeast Asia increased 43% (+6,000 tons), led by Malaysia, while lactose to the region increased 29% (+9,000 tons).

    U.S. Cheese exports on the rise

    U.S. cheese exports also recorded solid gains, expanding 7% worldwide in the last two months of the reporting period (October-November 2016).

    • U.S. cheese exports to Mexico exceeded 16,200 tons, up 21% (+2,860 tons) vs. the prior year.
    • During the last three months (September to November), U.S. cheese exports to South Korea approached 11,000 tons, up 24% (+2,100 tons) vs. the prior year.
    Building on this positive year-end momentum, U.S. Dairy remains focused in the new year on supplying high-quality cheese and dairy ingredients to customers and consumers all over the globe. The United States is committed to being a long-term supply and innovation partner and is fully invested in driving customers’ business forward in 2017 and beyond.

    Dairy Ingredients Market Insights Cheese Dairy Resources Global Whey Protein Isolate Milk Protein Whey Protein Concentrate
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