• Reducing Food Waste with Whey

    By John Klees March 10, 2017

    Whey-Powder.jpgFood and beverage companies are finding new and creative ways to reduce waste. Some are doing this in response to the sustainable eating trend, others to make a positive environmental impact, or a combination of both. No matter the reasoning, using food byproducts as raw materials is one way to reduce waste. Coproducts, like whey proteins derived from milk, can be used in a variety of applications for added benefits.

    For years the food and beverage industry has made strides to improve manufacturing processes by reducing waste and using all possible coproducts. Cheesemakers were among the first to implement these improvements, recognizing the potential in coproducts of their cheesemaking process. An article posted to DairyGood explains the role cheesemakers had in discovering the innovative uses of whey protein to reduce food waste. This also ensured all coproducts of cheesemaking were, and still are, put to a higher purpose.

    Read the article here.

    The U.S. dairy industry continues to innovate with whey proteins, and is finding new uses and markets for them around the world. Whey proteins have all the essential and non-essential amino acids the body needs to allow formulators and foodservice professionals to provide excellent nutrition, along with a sustainable story, to their products.

    Explore ThinkUSAdairy.org to learn how to address all of these needs with the functional and nutritional qualities that U.S. whey proteins provide.

    Dairy Ingredients Market Insights Nutrition Dairy Resources Global Whey Protein Sustainability Waste Reduction
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