• Permeate, MPC Advantages Focus of USDEC Seminars in China

    By USDEC Staff October 14, 2014

    USDEC hosted seminars in Beijing (October 14) and Shanghai (October 16) with the theme of “New Horizons of U.S. Dairy Ingredients” reaching 110 participants, primarily R&D staff from local and multinational end-users. The seminars highlighted the United States’ expanding portfolio of attractive dairy ingredients with an emphasis on milk protein concentrates/isolates for health and wellness innovation as well as permeates as a bright prospect rising star ingredient given the cost-saving, flavor potentiating and sodium reduction benefits.

    KJ Burrington of the Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, the primary speaker, also touched upon what is on the future horizon for next generation U.S. dairy ingredient innovation in bringing additional functional and nutritional ingredients to market such as micellar casein concentrate, native whey, etc.

    Dairy Ingredients USDEC Events China Dairy
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