• IFT17 Dairy Prototype Series: Milk & Honey Bedtime Beverage

    By Terri Rexroat June 20, 2017

    honey-bedtime.jpgConsumers want to relax after a long, busy day and are drawn to beverages that reduce stress and promote better sleep. The proteins derived from U.S. milk provide unmatched nutrition which may help consumers wake-up refreshed and energized.

    As part of this four-part series, we are showcasing each prototype being served at the Institute of Food Technologies (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo 2017, Booth 2270. Our next prototype is the milk & honey bedtime beverage.

    What is the Milk & Honey Bedtime Beverage?

    The milk & honey bedtime beverage contains 20 grams of protein and provides half of the U.S. daily value for calcium. The chai and honey-infused beverage contains reduced fat milk, milk protein isolate (MPI) and micellar casein concentrate (MCC). This creamy and nutritious drink can be served warm or cold for a delicious way to wind down after a busy day or intense workout. The taste and nutrition of dairy makes it the complete package for a product that promotes rejuvenation.   

    Why does it matter to consumers?

    Two main trends are creating the need for beverages made for nighttime consumption, including:

    Evening restoration: The desire to reduce everyday stress, mentally and physically, is influencing more evening-focused innovations formulated for relaxation.1 Creating a product to meet these needs starts with finding a high-quality protein source. The consumption of slow digesting protein stimulates the rebuilding of muscle tissue while at rest,3 and keep consumers’ metabolisms working for extended hours at a time, including while they sleep.4 Pairing U.S. dairy proteins with spices can achieve a sense of calm and relaxation before bedtime.

    At-home café experiences: Consumers rely on café style drinks to get them through the day. Why not make this experience available when the café is closed for the night? Globally, 53% of consumers believe hot drinks can offer health benefits, unlocking new opportunities for hot drinks that claim to improve health and general well-being. Additionally, 71% of consumers consider re-creating café-style hot drinks achievable or very achievable, increasing the popularity of premium hot drinks for at-home consumption.2

    What can this prototype do for you?

    Unlike most protein sources, high-quality dairy proteins such as reduced-fat milk, MPI and MCC contain the essential and nonessential amino acids, releasing them slowly to meet the body’s needs until breakfast.4 Among many things, MPI provides a clean dairy flavor without adding significant levels of lactose, while MCC is an excellent fit for shelf-stable, protein-fortified beverages because of its heat stability. In this beverage, all nutrients and viscosity come from these ingredients so no separate vitamins, minerals or stabilizers are needed.

    To learn more about the milk & honey bedtime beverage, download the formula sheet or visit USDEC at IFT 2017, Booth 2270, for more information. Check back next week to learn about the Reduced-sodium Protein Udon Soup.

    1Mintel Announces Six Key Global Food and Drink Trends for 2017. Mintel website. Updated November 11, 2016. Accessed May 2, 2017.
    2Top Trends in Hot Drinks 2017. GlobalData. Accessed May 2, 2017.
    3Devries MC, Phillips SM. Supplemental Protein in Support of Muscle Mass and Health: Advantage Whey. J Food Sci. 2015;80 Suppl:A8-A15. Doi:10.1111/1750-3841.12802.
    4Prepared foods. January 2017. pg. 68.

    Dairy Ingredients MPI Micellar Casein Market Insights Consumer Insights Milk Nutrition Global Dairy Proteins Reduced-Fat
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