• How Milkfat-based Ingredients Can Add to Your Next Product Launch

    By Rohit Kapoor May 24, 2017

    Cover-Screenshot.jpgThanks to new research, full-fat dairy products now have a more positive outlook among consumers. Recent studies found that milkfat ingredients may not negatively affect heart health, nor contribute to obesity or Type 2 diabetes in consumers. The food industry is embracing milkfat ingredients as important to modern diets. In fact, applications using various forms of milkfat had a global market size of $49 billion in 2015 and is expected to grow to $53 billion by 2020.1

    Download the milkfat technical report for applications of milkfat and milkfat-based ingredients (starting on page 10).

    Increasing its appeal even further, milkfat is one of the most complex dietary fats and can provide food and beverage manufacturers with a range of functional benefits. Milkfat is known for its stand-out melting capabilities and ability to provide flavor, color, mouthfeel, texture and body in a range of applications, such as bakery, confectionary, soups, refrigerated or frozen dinners and desserts. 

    In addition to its formulation characteristics, milkfat is favorable to the human palate and less processed than refined vegetable fats and oils. To achieve a more recognizable ingredient list, milkfat-based ingredients can replace unwanted ingredients, as seen by the resurgence of butter after the demise of partially hydrogenated oils. However, butter is just one of many milkfat-based products and ingredients that can be used in food and beverage products.

    To explore your milkfat options, download our latest technical report. If you are reformulating your products, needing a specific functionality or enhancing flavor, this report can help.

    1Euromonitor International. Custom-pulled data for U.S. Dairy Export Council®. January 2016.

    Dairy Ingredients Market Insights Consumer Insights Butter Milkfat Global
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