• Dairy Nutrition Research in the Spotlight at Experimental Biology

    By USDEC Staff March 4, 2015

    Dairy plays a central role in healthy childhood development around the world, including delivering improved nutrition to children in low-income countries at risk of stunting and wasting due to malnutrition. Leading international researchers will present the latest scientific advancements on the role of dairy in food aid programs at the Dairy for Global Nutrition Symposium on Protein Quality, Growth and Malnutrition, to be held March 30, 2015 in Boston. Held in conjunction with the prestigious Experimental Biology (EB) conference, the symposium will highlight the expanding scientific body of research on dairy's health and nutritional benefits for vulnerable populations, as well as new methods to measure protein quality. Click hereto view the agenda.

    Global nutrition policymakers, health professionals, private voluntary organizations, and other individuals interested in attending can sign-up by contacting Veronique Lagrange or Dacia Whitsett-Morrow at info@dairyforglobalnutrition.org by March 13. Participation is limited to 90 attendees, so reserve your space today.

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