Spotlight | ThinkUSAdairy by the U.S. Dairy Export Council

Research Finds Benefits of Dairy Proteins for Women and Older Individuals

Written by Kara McDonald | September 14, 2018

Dairy proteins’ unique ability to help improve body composition during weight loss, increase muscle mass when combined with resistance training and aid in muscle recovery after endurance exercise is well-established. People often envision these as being reserved for young, competitive athletes, but new research has shown dairy proteins have great benefits for women—without adding the bulk—as well as older individuals.

These findings are part of a growing number of studies that support the benefits of incorporating whey from dairy into daily eating plans.

Whey protein is a versatile ingredient that can be added to foods, such as smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal or nut butters, as a convenient way to increase protein consumption throughout the day to assist individuals with meeting health goals.

To provide consumers with more options, food manufacturers are developing innovative products that incorporate whey protein into various snacks, nutrition bars, baking mixes, beverages and more.

The U.S. dairy industry has a sustainably-produced milk supply providing a broad portfolio of nutritional and functional dairy ingredients. These high quality dairy proteins make it convenient for local food and beverage manufacturers to capitalize on market trends and create new, relevant products.

Visit for more information on nutrition, trends and applications with U.S. dairy proteins.

For more details, check out our recent news release or the studies referenced here: